Wednesday, August 3, 2011

“Five and out” with Gerardo “TinTin” Ibarra

1. When is your next fight and who are you fighting? My next scheduled fight is on august 13th 2011 and my opponent will be Josh burns

2. Why did you get into boxing?
I got into boxing because when younger I was such a hyper active kid, they gave my mom idea to put me in the “pills” to calm down but instead she decided to put me in multiple sports.

3. Do you have any accomplishments or awards? I have multiple awards. I’ve won the Houston golden gloves 7 times.
•2008 I got the best boxer award in Houston but lost in the finals in the state,
•I went on to the finals in the national silver gloves in 06, won the junior Olympics in 06 n got in the U.S team to represent it at the Aiba Cadet world championships held in Istanbul, Turkey where I placed bronze medal,
•I won the national pals in 06 where I beat in the finals the guy who represented the U.S in the 08 Olympics Javier Molina, also I went to Mexico for the Olympiada nacional but lost

4. If you could fight any 5 fighters now, who would they be and why?
I would definitely Chooe Pacman cause he is the man to beat, Mayweather because he is hasn't been beat by anyone and would love to be the 1st. Amir khan because I've seen him since the amateurs and would be nice to be in the ring with him, Raul Martinez would be on my list simply because I like his hits n moves and would like to fight a guy as strong and fast as him, and last but not least Erislandy Lara because he was an Olympic champion.

5. What are some of your hobbies?
Some of my hobbies are to play soccer and also swim I love that sport n would be my 2nd choice of sport I would've done if I wasn't boxing at this moment.

Find more of Tintin on twitter@ teamtintin or contact his publicist at or follow me @BigBody247

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