Friday, May 20, 2011

Broken Love

(Song Voice)

She bust the windows out my car

She say that I don't Love her like I use to

She bust the windows out my car

She say that I don't Love her anymore

She bust the windows out my car

She say I've been neglecting her needs

She bust the windows out my car

(Poet Voice)

See the problem is she bust the windows,

out of my car continuously,

because she thinks I'm cheating on her

She thinks that I don't love her,

And don't want to be with her anymore


Truth of the matter is I love her dearly!!

I lone to be with her every step of the way every waking moment of the day

She's like the cocaine running through a crack head veins,

Controlling my membrane!

And I Love her,

I've always loved her,

Never stopped loving her,

But for some odd reason she thinks I've cheated on her

I've never cheated on her.

Yes my eyes may wonder,

My mind day dreams,

And women are always on my brain

Yes I've had women tell me strange explicit things,

On how they would control my brain,

And do things my body never felt before

But I know these women are not for me

I know that they just want to break up the happy

home that I want so badly

Truth is I can't say I didn't look

And I'm not going to say I didn't think about it

Yes I have been tempted

But I need her to understand I love her

And to trust me!!

Trust that I'm the man of her dreams

And that she is my Nubian Queen

(Track 2)

I bust the windows out his car

Because he cheated on me

I bust the windows out his car

Because he don't love me anymore

I bust the windows out of his car

Because he hurt me deeply

I bust the windows out of his car

See I love him more then he will ever know

But lately he has been distance from me

To tired to have passionate sex

To tired for dinner and the movies

What else can it be

I see the way those hoochies look at him

He has to be cheating

(Track 3)

She bust the windows out my car

Her: I bust the windows out of his car

She say I don't love her like I use to

Her: Because he cheated on me

She bust the windows out of my car

Her: I bust the windows out of his car

See everytime I walk in the house she is accusing me

Accussing me of being with another women

Her: He walks in the house all late

Her: And the first thing he does is hop in the shower

Women I am at the point right now that I'm just tired.

Her: I tired of feeling unloved

I tired of telling her I love her

Tired of telling her she is my everything

Her: I don't believe him!!!

She doesn't believe me,

She doesnt want to hear it

Her: I don't believe him,

Her: All that comes out his mouth is lies!!!

Both: So why bother with this anymore

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