(I was doing some spring cleaning and found a poem I wrote in high school my senior year.)
If love was enough, how come we had so much pain and distrust!!
If love was enough, how come our families couldnt get along huh!!
If love was enough, we would be at home still together right now
If love was enough, maybe you wouldnt got treated so rough.
If love was enough, we could have made through the haters huh!!
If love was enough, we should have made it through all of our deep and darkest secrets.
To the end of the tunnel where light shines so bright.
If love was enough, how come it didnt protect our hearts from the worlds flying darts.
If love was enough, how come it always keep us apart.
If love was enough, then our son's love should have keep us together,
but it didn't now your left wondering.
If love was enough, how come ours wasnt built on the very princpal of trust.
If love was enough, how come our hearts didn't float to the sky,
do you know the reason why.
If love was enough, then you wouldnt take drugs so much.
If love was enough, then the bottle of Gin and Whiskey wouldn't look like such a good friend.
If love was enough, then shouldn't our love prevail threw all these things and keep us together in
the end.
I guess our love wasnt enough!!!!!!!!!!
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