I spit
I spit because this was supposed to be the land of the free
But everywhere I look around all I see is children of farmer slaves
I spit because
The colors Red, White, and Blue,
Red standing for the blood that flowed from the Indians when they took this land
Blue for the bruises that where left on the backs of African Slaves!!!
White for the cowardly people who took this great land with their overt plan
I spit for the injustice that America stands for
And yes we are in Iraq for the diamonds of its land (Oil)
I spit because we still today live within a Silent Slavery
Racial profiling
Segregated schools and neighborhoods
Discrimination when it’s time to get a job
And if u don’t think I speak the truth then u r truly blind
I spit for the mothers and fathers of the past.
The ones that telling today’s youth to step off the gas
They are moving just too fast
I spit
Because God won't,
The Devil will
And we need to be heard
I spit
Because the truth always lied in front of us
But we as a people are just too blind to see
Yes I'm Angry
Angry for all the single mothers
Hurt for all the fathers that failed
But didn’t give up even when the system beat them down
Sadden that the Churches fail us every day, when they let the world down
Especially the Vatican (Yeah I said It)
I spit because the masses need to see me
The blind need to hear me
And the disabled need me to walk and fight for them
I spit because I am tired of hearing about the illuminati
And Rappers that just Want to be seen!!!
Because true power is never divulged
I spit because
I don't understand why the world has hungry
R why people stay sick
And really am quite angry for all the people who once again r on Vicks dick
Supposed dog lovers my ass!!!!
So I spit,
Because I spit,
Because I spit,
Tonight Big Negro with Fist spits!!!!!
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