Friday, May 20, 2011

Dreams or Reality

Is this a dream are is this reality,
I'm so deeply in love with her,
From the sway of her lust filled hips,
To looks of them honey suckle lips
She is my everything,
My everything!!!
She is the Bonnie to my Clyde,
She is my queen!!
She is the love of my life!!
Baby I need you!!
See I love her dearly
I just want for her to be mine,
I want to fuse with her body and soul
Until our love becomes as vast as a solar system..
For our soul's have intertwined like oxygen is to hydrogen
For you she may be your dime,
But for me she can just be a 9
I'm willing to accept all of her imperfections
Or as my mother called them strokes.
Yeah she always said different strokes for different folks!
It’s our different strokes that keeps us yoked,
See baby I love you more than anything,
I'm really just trying to be your everything,
Don't you see I'm trying to take care of you!!
I love spending every minute of time trying to make you mine,
Control the mind and the body will follow'
Like the planets follow the son in a constant orbit
Our orbiting hearts shall link our soul's
And no I'm not talking about a sex thing,
My friends are always questioning why I sleep so much
I tell them that’s because I'm trying to spend all of my time with my queen.
See I just want her to be mine,
Ever searching for ways to unconfine my damage mind,
Even though she may only be a dream trapped deep inside my mind,
I love her dearly!!!
A smile can show me how beautiful a dream can be
For the mind is the best scenery
She is my here and here after!!!!!
See my dreams are my reality,
And my reality is my dreams!!!!!
Therefore she will always be my Queen!!!

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