Friday, May 20, 2011

Understanding The Meaning of Love

Can’t seem to understand why so many people care about love!!!!
Love is the one thing that cause you so much pain,
But at the same time can bring you so much joy,
When I think about love I think about my son and daughter,
Them running around getting into everything,
It was love that created them,
That was just a certain time in my love life,
When love wasn’t like the changing of the seasons,
Are like the leaves of a tree, each new season bringing a new love to my heart,
I sit here wondering will they suffer through the same fate??? The fate of never finding one true
Love is like chocolate its starts off in a liquid soft state, Then it harden like a rock,
But overtime left in the heat it can melt back into liquid.
This is the constant state of love!!!! You fall in and out of love like the sands in the hour glass....
Love can be like quick sand are like a black hole,
You find yourself getting sucked in so deep that you overlook the flaws of ur companion.
You are left floating in the stars, drinking milk from the milky way through the big dipper.
That’s the kind of blind love that brings you so much joy,
But when reality hit its like the earth crashing into the sun,
It just hurts so bad!!!!!!
One day I will find love that last!!!!
Love that is so strong that the hands of time stop, and the heavens open up and the sun shines
Down on me,
On that day I will understand the meaning of true Love

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